Guerrilla RF common stock begins trading on OTCQX Best Market

2022-08-09 00:03:25 By : Mr. Jacky Wang

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Guerrilla RF Inc (GRF) of Greensboro, NC, USA says that its common stock began trading on the OTCQX Best Market on 28 July, under the ticker ‘GUER’.

“This is an important milestone for Guerrilla RF as we seek to develop a liquid market for Guerrilla RF stock and welcome new investors to participate,” says founder & CEO Ryan Pratt.

Founded in 2013, Guerrilla RF develops and manufactures high-performance monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) to wireless and infrastructure OEMs in multiple market segments – including 5G/4G macro and small-cell base stations, cellular repeaters/DAS, automotive telematics such as SDARS/V2X/GPS/DAB, mission-critical military communications, navigation, and high-fidelity wireless audio. The firm has an extensive portfolio of over 100 high-performance radio frequency (RF) and microwave semiconductor devices. The existing product line includes ultra-low-noise amplifiers, gain blocks, driver amplifiers, mixers, RF switches, and linear PAs (power amplifiers) – the critical building blocks for mission-critical, performance-driven wireless applications, including 5G wireless infrastructure, cellular repeaters/boosters, and automotive telematics.

To date, the firm has shipped over 100 million devices and has repeatedly been included in Inc. Magazine’s annual Inc. 5000 list. Guerrilla RF recently made the top Inc. 500 list for the second year in a row, coming in at No. 421 and 489 for the 2020 and 2021 rankings, respectively.

Guerrilla RF raises extra $4.4m in subsequent closings of private placement

Guerrilla RF goes public in reverse merger and raises over $7m in private placement

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